Prime Minister Laptop Scheme Phase III - Online Registration 2017

Registration for Prime Minister Laptop Scheme Phase III has been started.

Prime Minister Laptop Scheme Phase III - Online Registration 2017

​Prime Minister's Laptop Scheme – Phase III (2016)​

Similar to the past year, the scheme is conceived as a comprehensive ecosystem around the laptop instead of distributing "black boxes" to students. Ecosystem as envisaged around the laptop hardware for this project, consists of various components ranging from licensed/ genuine Windows 8.1 Operating System; Microsoft Office 365 application software; Training opportunity at Microsoft IT Academy at respective university/ institutes; Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) Certification voucher, 3G EVO Device; and Access to HEC's National Digital Library using 3G EVO Device. These aspects will not only bring value to money but will create synergy with relevant industries, as well as help HEIs to provide state-of-the-art technologically enabled academic environment at par with HEIs in the developed world.

Eligibility criteria (phase iii) - ongoing
​Students enrolled not earlier than their respective program duration as per the table below:

S. No.​ProgramEnrolment after
1.PhDJune 30, 2015
2.MS/ MPhil (2 Years)June 30, 2015
3.MBA (1.5/ 2.5/ 3.5 Years)June 30, 2015
4.Masters (16 years)June 30, 2015
5.Undergraduate (4/5 Years)June 30, 2013/ June 30, 2012
6.Diploma of Associate EngineeringJanuary 01, 2015
7.FA/ FSc *January 01, 2016

*Only Students enrolled in colleges located in FATA and Islamabad Capital Territory Region
  • Students studying in public sector Universities/ Degree Awarding Institutes duly recognized by HEC.
    • Students enrolled in PhD/ MS/ MPhil or equivalent 18 year program
    • Students enrolled in 1 or 2-year Masters degree program (morning and evening)
    • Student enrolled in 4-year or 5-year Bachelor degree program (morning and evening)
  • Students studying as distant learner in Virtual University of Pakistan or Allama Iqbal Open University.
  • Students studying in government degree or postgraduate colleges of Federal Capital and Federally Administered Tribal Areas.
    • Students of degree colleges of other provinces may be covered from respective provincial arrangements (if any)
  • Students' eligibility and enrolment status as defined above shall be determined on the day of distribution of laptops at the HEI, however if there is any unforeseen delay causing ineligibility of students, then those students having their online application submitted and "Accepted for Merit" will maintain their eligibility intact.
  • Criteria for Students enrolled in distance learning program at VU and AIOU, and students of polytechnic institutes of Pakistan and AJK shall be defined in coordination with respective universities/ boards and will be updated accordingly.
  • No laptop shall be issued to those who have availed in the past from such initiative(s) taken by the government or by the higher education institute.
Please Note: Following students will NOT be eligible for laptops under this scheme:
  • Students of any private sector higher education institutes
  • Students of any government degree & postgraduate colleges except of Federal Capital and FATA
  • Students who have received a laptop under any Federal or Provincial Government scheme
  • Foreign nationals, except students from AJK and Indian Occupied Kashmir
  • Any other students not listed above and/ or as identified and decided by the Steering Committee.

The distribution criteria for the award of laptops is defined as follow:
  • Provincial distribution corresponding to enrolment share, proportionate to the overall enrolment of students in the higher education institutes, excluding students covered under below categories .
  •  Full coverage to enrolled PhD, MPhil, MS or equivalent program students in any public sector HEI.
  •  2.5% Quota for distant learners/ students of each Virtual University & Allama Iqbal Open University.
  •  5% Quota for students studying in Government Polytechnic institutes or Government College of Technology.
  •  5% Quota for students of degree and postgraduate colleges of Federal Capital and Federally Administered Tribal Areas.
  •  Remaining laptops for students studying in Bachelor and Master (16 year) program of public sector higher education institutes, this includes students of Waiting List from previous year distribution and new admissions between July 2014 and June 2015.
Note: Distribution at each level as referred above will follow inter se merit.

Students are advised to Apply ​Online by Registering or Updating Profile at the following link of Students' Service Portal.

The number of laptops which are to be distributed under this scheme is 100,000; whereas the students' enrolment​ at higher education institutions, and more importantly "eligible students" are large in numbers. Therefore, laptops will be awarded purely on Merit basis amongst the students. Eligible students at each distribution level or group shall follow inter se merit.
  • 50% of the reserved quota be allocated for distribution to students in 1st year following the inter se merit.
  • 20% provision for those studying in 2nd year of their 16 year undergraduate program meeting the following criteria.
  • 10% of allocated numbers to 3rd year students in Bachelor programs
  • 10% of allocated numbers to 4th year students in Bachelor programs or Masters (16 year education) 1st year (5% each if both exist)
  • 1​0% of allocated numbers to 5th year students in Bachelor programs or Masters (16 year education) 2nd year (5% each if both exist). In absence of both, 10% will be equally distributed to 3rd year and 4th year allocations.
  1. Students having secured 60% marks (for annual system) or 70% marks (for semester system) or equivalent CGPA/ GPA in Last examination shall only be considered for the Merit list.
  2.  CGPA/ GPA to Percentage conversion shall be governed by HEC defined formula.
  3.  Any leftover laptops from any distribution level (i.e. Academic level, Departmental, Campus, Institutional, or Provincial Allocation) may be adjusted as per the decision of Project Steering Committee.
Institutional Allocation= (Institutional enrolment) / (Total enrolment in public HEIs) = 3,848 / 500,000 × 65,000 laptops = 500 laptops  

Application Status:
Applied:Student has successfully submitted his/her application for new registration.
Verified:Student record have been confirmed by the concern university focal person.
Disapproved:Student has been disapproved solely by the university focal person due to few reasons which may include : incorrect academic details or date of admission, misconduct or administrative issues etc.
Selected:You have been selected on merit for the award of laptop.
Not Selected:The student is eligible but not selected on the basis of low CGPA.
Asset Issued:Student have already been issued a laptop in previous scheme(s) / Phase(s). In case of any discrepancy, kindly contact your university's focal person.

Student must submit his/her own CNIC, mobile number and email address during the registration process, as the provided data will be used for further processing. Submitting incorrect or fallacious data may lead to the cancellation of registration.
The presence of your name in the list does not promise / guarantee an award of a laptop. It is subjected to the verification of student’s record as per the HEC defined criteria. Please refer to your Application status which depicts the ongoing status of your application.
Point of contact: In case of any query please contact
Last date to submit your application is Monday the December 26th, 2016

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